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#88 The Secret Ingredient of Portraits – from Titian to Rembrandt: A Conversation with Nicholas Todhunter

Saturday, September 28th Live on Zoom

10am Los Angeles and Phoenix, 1pm NY & Toronto, 6pm London, 7pm Florence

Life etches itself onto our faces as we grow older, showing our violence, excesses of kindnesses.

~ Rembrandt van Rijn


What is it that makes the portraits by Titian and Rembrandt so timeless? Why can we stare for hours at the faces painted by Caravaggio? The Old Masters had a way to draw us into the world of their sitters, be they ordinary or regal. Was it the artist’s touch of white in the subject’s eyes or a bright red dot that pulls the portrait all together?  In this special conversation with renowned contemporary portrait painter Nick Todhunter, we’ll examine and analyze some of his favorite artworks of these legendary artists.


Nicholas Todhunter, born in Paris in 1981, has lived and worked across Europe, the United States, and Asia. He studied at the Chelsea School of Art in London before moving to Florence to study at the Charles Cecil Studios, the only atelier in Europe where traditional realism is taught. He spent three years there, learning drawing and painting and being introduced to the visual language and techniques of painters from earlier centuries. After his studies in Florence, Nick moved to Venice, where he now resides. For him, Venice is the heart of portraiture and is the source of limitless inspiration. He has exhibited throughout Europe and his works are in private collections throughout the world.  Nick divides his time between Somerset, England, and Venice, Italy, and is the curator of the highly popular Instagram page Portrait Paintings Daily.

Minimum suggested donation: $28

This talk is free for Friends of Paola's Studiolo!

Look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

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