The Basilica of Santa Croce: American Reflections"
An unusual guide of the monumental complex of Santa Croce, seen through the eyes of the American visitors, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, and Henry James.
The book edited by Paola Vojnovic for Opera di Santa Croce, offers an insider’s view on what these famous travelers decided to write home about.
First published by Opera di Santa Croce in 2012, the book is now in its' second edition and features chapters by Robert Edsel and James Ivory. Both editions were produced in partnership with the USA Consulate of Florence.
"Il Ponte delle immagini"
Le vie bizantine della pittura murale dai monasteri ortodossi della Serbia ai cicli pittorici in basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze. A cura di Giuseppe De Micheli e Paola Vojnovic e con collaborazione di Adriano Antonioletti Boratto, Rosa D’Amico, Archimandrita Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Bojan Popovic. Published in Italian by Opera di Santa Croce, May 2013.
Santa Croce in Pink: Untold Stories of Women and their Monuments
This book, edited by Linda Falcone and written by Giulia Bagioli, Linda Falcone, Donata Grossoni, and Paola Vojnovic celebrates extraordinary women buried or celebrated in the church of Santa Croce. With the unification of Italy, the Basilica of Santa Croce became known as the Pantheon of Italian Glories, where the country’s most illustrious personalities would find their final resting place. Many marble tombs to prominent women—from princesses to art patrons and political figures—still grace the complex, although their stories have often slipped into oblivion. Available for purchase in English and Italian at the bookstore of Santa Croce.